WIT Treasurer

Role Description

Position: WIT Treasurer

Responsible to: WIT Members
Key Relationships:
  • WIT Committee members
  • WIT Trainers
  • WIT Producers
  • WIT Members
  • External industry professionals
Position Description: To coordinate the finances of the Wellington Improvisation Troupe
Commencement: At the WIT AGM
Hours: 1 evening per month (committee meeting)

2 evenings per month to maintain accounts

More or less time may be required over the year (eg at end of financial year)

Key responsibilities and accountabilities:
As a member of the committee:

  1. Make every effort to attend all Committee meetings and devote sufficient time to become familiar with the organisation and the wider community for whom it operates
  1. Contribute to decision-making about the organisation’s objectives, policies and procedures
  1. Ensure the organisation operates legally
  1. Monitor and evaluate how well the organisation is meeting its objectives, and take appropriate action as required
  1. Represent the organisation at external meetings, forums etc (where appropriate)
  1. Promote the organisation and its work
  1. Work for the greater good of the organisation in an ethical manner showing respect for fellow committee members and ensuring fair and full participation of all committee members
  1. Respect the confidentiality of information discussed at meetings
  1. Declare any conflict of interest which arises through the member’s work or relationships in another capacity for WIT or outside of WIT
  1. Commit to serve for the whole year of elected office, except in exceptional circumstances.

As Treasurer:

  1. Keep a record of all the financial transactions of the organisation – money coming in and going out. You must keep receipts or copies of bills and invoices to match every payment made
    1. Give receipts for any money coming in and always pay it all into the bank. Do not use cash coming in for petty cash, always bank it.
    2. Check bank statements against WIT records regularly to check what has been paid into the bank and whether cheques have been cashed.
  1. Pay people, manage contracts and manage WIT finances
  1. Meet tax obligations
  1. Be a signatory for the WIT bank account and ensure that two other committee members are also signatories (Secretary and Coordinator)
  1. Write and co-sign cheques for the organisation
  1. Ensure there is agreement for money spent and it is clearly for the work of the organisation. All sums $50 or larger must be minuted at a committee meeting
  1. Produce budgets for the committee’s approval. These will show what the committee plans to do over the year, how much it costs and whether there is enough money to do it. It will also be used during the year to compare what is actually being spent against what was planned. The budget should be checked by the committee at least once a quarter.
  1. Give regular reports to the committee on the organisation’s financial position. Make sure that everyone understands them, particularly where decisions are being made about spending.
  2. Check all funding budgets in collaboration with the Sponsorship Manager
  1. Check all show budgets in consultation with the producer of the show
  1. Provide financial advice to the WIT Committee on the best ways to manage WIT funds
    1. If the organisation has money it will not be spending immediately, investigate and advise the committee on how and where to invest it.
  1. Produce an annual statement of the organisation’s accounts and arrange for an independent examination or full audit. You should present the statement to the Annual General Meeting and write the financial part of the annual report.
  1. Send accounts and reports to other bodies such as major funders (where appropriate), the Charities Commission and/or Companies Office.
Person specification:
  • Ability to manage workload independently
  • Professional manner in all external communication
  • Good organisational skills and attention to detail
  • Clear communication skills
  • Meticulous book keeping
  • A willingness to learn