Category Archives: news

A shiny new committee for WIT!

(including many bits of the old committee)

WIT held its 2024 AGM on July 13th at Te Auaha in Wellington, with some attending by zoom. If you had been there, you would have heard many fine people being thanked for helping WIT be WIT, a description of the fine shows and activities that happened, and that the WIT financial situation continues to be balanced and sound, largely unchanged from previous years.

Many of the previous committee were nominated and willing to serve again (with Kitty standing down and Emma and Nathan standing up), so the Committee for 2024/25 is:

Co-ordinator – Shaila Mehta-Wilson
Secretary – Ali Little
Undersecretary – Nathan Campbell
Creative Directors – Paddy Plunket / Emma Ross
Treasurer – Aristarkh Tikhonov

WIT – Draft Agenda for the 2024 AGM

Our AGM is scheduled to be held on the 16th of July. Anyone is welcome to attend, but only WIT members are eligible to vote or be elected to the committee. Active members not able to attend physically may be able to attend electronically, please email for details.


Draft Agenda

Date: Tuesday July 16th,
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Venue: Te Auaha, 65 Dixon St, Te Aro, Wellington.
Quorum: 15 members
Chair: Shaila Mehta-Wilson, Coordinator
Secretariat: Ali Little

1. Welcome and acknowledgements
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the previous AGM/SGM (held July 4th,2023)
4. Coordinator’s Report (Shaila Mehta-Wilson)
5. Creative Directors Report (Paddy Plunket/Kitty Parker)
6. Committee Elections a. Coordinator b. Creative Director(s) c. Treasurer d. Secretary 7. General Business

Micetro winner surrounded by admirers

Micetro, Winter Season 2024

This show is done!  But checkback soon for the next WIT show. 

Beloved improv elimination competition Micetro is back for another bite of the cheese.  The magnificent  Lorraine was once crowned the Greatest WIT in Wellington.  This time . . . well, there will be challengers.

A crew of eager improvisers will again battle head to head using wit, spur-of-the-moment storytelling and risking everything for an the love of the audience.  There’ll be songs!  Drama!  Pathos, bathos probably a bit of logos!    A mix of seasoned improvisers and adorable newcomers and everyone in between will play their hearts out to decide who gets eliminated and who survives to be crowned ‘Micetro’.

When: 6.30pm Thursdays nights 11 April, 2 May and 6 June

Where: BATS 1 Kent Tce, Wellington

Book tickets via BATS

Group of six people ignoring giant looming hand holding a scalpel

Directors Cut, 15 August 2023

This show has happened already!  

But, stay tuned for other WIT shows 

Classic comedy theatre without a script from the Wellington Improvisation Troupe.

The show will feature Directors competing with other Directors to direct a talented troupe of bold improvisors in a series of unique scenes.

Some directors will ask for audience suggestions, others will use ideas drawn from the very depths of their tortured souls. Either way, You will choose which tale is told to it’s very end.

NB that The Pow Wow Room is a licensed venue. This means that delicious beverages of various kinds will be available, BUT if you look youthful bring legal ID, and if you *are* an actual youth you must bring your legal grownups.

When: 7pm Tuesday August 15th 2023
Where:  The Powwow Room, 74 Courtenay Place, Wellington

Note that because it’s licensed premises if you’re not a grownup you’ll need to bring a parent, and if you are a grownup but look under 25 you’ll need to bring some ID.

Tickets:  cash-only doorsales or Buy Online Now $10 / $5 Concession

WIT Event on the Facebook

A shiny new committee for WIT!

(including many bits of the old committee)

WIT held its 2023 AGM on July 4th the the Garage Studio at Te Auaha in Wellington, with some attending by zoom. If you had been there, you would have heard many fine people being thanked for helping WIT be WIT, and that our financial situation continues to be sound.

Most of the previous committee were nominated and willing to serve again (with Anrik standing down and Kitty standing up), so the Committee for 2023/24 is:

Co-ordinator – Shaila Mehta-Wilson
Secretary – Ali Little
Creative Directors – Paddy Plunket / Kitty Parker
Treasurer – Aristarkh Tikhonov

WIT – Draft Agenda for the 2023 AGM

Our AGM is scheduled to be held on the 19th of July. Anyone is welcome to attend, but only WIT members are eligible to vote or be elected to the committee. This year, after the change in our procedures voted on at last years AGM, active members not able to attend (if for example self isolating due to Covid) may be able to attend electronically, please email for details.


Draft Agenda

Date: 4 July 2023
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: Level 5 Studio 3/4, Te Auaha, 65 Dixon St, Wellington
Quorum: 15 members

Chair: Shaila Mehta-Wilson, Coordinator

Secretariat: Paddy Plunket, Secretary

  1. Welcome and acknowledgements
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the previous AGM (held July 2022)
  4. Coordinator’s Report (Shaila Mehta-Wilson)
  5. Co-creative Director Report (Anrik Drenth, Ali Little)
  6. Annual Report – Treasurer (Aristarkh Tikhonov)
  7. Committee Elections
  8. General Business
Micetro winner surrounded by admirers

Micetro IS BACK, Tuesday July 18th 2023

This show has happened, and it was delightful … check for more shows happening soon

Beloved improv elimination competition Micetro is back for another bite of the cheese.  The magnificent  Lorraine was once crowned the Greatest WIT in Wellington.  This time . . . well, there will be challengers.

A crew of eager improvisers will again battle head to head using wit, spur-of-the-moment storytelling and risking everything for an the love of the audience.  There’ll be songs!  Drama!  Pathos, bathos probably a bit of logos!    A mix of seasoned improvisers and adorable newcomers and everyone in between will play their hearts out to decide who gets eliminated and who survives to be crowned ‘Micetro’.

When: 7pm Tuesday July 18th

Where:  The Powwow Room, 74 Courtenay Place, Wellington

Note that because it’s licensed premises if you’re not a grownup you’ll need to bring a parent, and if you are a grownup but look under 25 you’ll need to bring some ID.

Tickets:  cash-only doorsales or Buy Online Now $10 / $5 Concession

WIT Event on the Facebook

A shiny new committee for WIT!

(including many bits of the old committee)

WIT held it’s 2022 AGM on July 19th. For the first time the option was available for members to attend via Zoom. Despite a few technical difficulties this option worked well, and ensured a quorum was met.

There was a not unexpected small loss last year due to the low number of shows, Wit’s financial situation continues to be sound.

Several members of the previous committee were available to stand again, with Thibault and Hayley stepping back, Ali returning to the role of co-creative director, and Paddy joining as Secretary. Therefore, the Committee for 2022/23 is:

Co-ordinator – Shaila Mehta-Wilson
Secretary – Paddy Plunket
Creative Directors – Anrik Drenth /Ali Little
Treasurer – Aristarkh Tikhonov