Tag Archives: committee

A shiny new committee for WIT!

(including many bits of the old committee)

WIT held its 2024 AGM on July 13th at Te Auaha in Wellington, with some attending by zoom. If you had been there, you would have heard many fine people being thanked for helping WIT be WIT, a description of the fine shows and activities that happened, and that the WIT financial situation continues to be balanced and sound, largely unchanged from previous years.

Many of the previous committee were nominated and willing to serve again (with Kitty standing down and Emma and Nathan standing up), so the Committee for 2024/25 is:

Co-ordinator – Shaila Mehta-Wilson
Secretary – Ali Little
Undersecretary – Nathan Campbell
Creative Directors – Paddy Plunket / Emma Ross
Treasurer – Aristarkh Tikhonov