Tag Archives: game show

The Improv Factor, 2005

tif0502_poster-medPart Theartre….Part- Gameshow…Part Human…It is….. The Improv Factor :The Improvised tribute to TV Gameshows!

7pm, 22-26 February.

The brand new improvised gameshow spectacular which mixesFail of the Century with the Weakest Link. Teams are pitted against each other night after night, in pulse-racing theatrical challenges set by the host of the show. Take a ride on our wheel of fortune where the contestant’s success means points on the board (Miss Ford?), and failure means jeaopardy where players must perform a “Forfeit”(which can be really nasty!). Songs, scenes and stunts performed live before your very eyes. Come on down and have your say, as you determine which team goes forward to the grand final where one team will show that they have….THE IMPROV FACTOR

Where: McKenzie Theatre, Capital E, Civic Square.