Tag Archives: Poe

a papier mache cow

Christmas 2020 – A Very Witty Panto


For 2020 WITs celebrates the season Most Festive with an improvised twist on the traditional Xmas pantomime and will create a unique story each night inspired by suggestions from the audience.

Expect the unexpected, and also probably some cosmetically-challenged Sisters, papier-mache farm animals, a fresh-faced hero or heroine in tights, a Fairy Godparent, Villains and Sidekicks, a Dame or a Dude with a really big moustache. And Christmas treats!

Note that The Fringe Bar is a licensed venue, with a vast range of delicious alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available. So, if you’re youthfully fresh-faced bring your id, and if you’re under 18 bring your parent or guardian.

Tickets are available online and as door sales on the night, BUT if we are at Level 2 the venue capacity is limited to 25 and there will not be door sales.

What: A Very Witty Panto
Who: The Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT)
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th December, at 7pm
Where: The Fringe Bar, Allen St

“As a troupe, they boast an effective and playful onstage chemistry” ~ Theatreview

“This group’s bounding energy overtook the stage” ~ Nelson Mail


improvisors training in front of a window


Drawing of a crow holding Poe's head

Poe’d – NZIF 2020 Edition

Theatreview decided Poe’d was “MACABRE MADE MISCHIEVOUS”  
While the Artmurmurs’ reviewer said “I had a lovely time

A Darkly Gothic Romp

Everyone knows Edgar Allen Poe died mysteriously in Baltimore in 1849. But recently a trunk of mysterious papers was discovered by the same researchers who previously discovered the Lovecrafted archive (revealed during the 2019 Fringe). Did the forty year old Poe fake his death, flee to a remote island nation and live out the rest of a long life writing epically gothically tragically romantic stories shaped by the myths and realities of life among the phlegmatic people of the farthest flung corner of the British Empire??

Find out as each night a different narrator channels the tortured author to bring original improvised tales to Te Auaha’s Tapere Iti stage.

“The show will be a romp through a gothic past” says Ali Little, the show’s creative director. She claims the tortured author, a man who spawned so many many tortured imitators, has communicated to her through ethereal means.  And he is “delighted, just delighted” that these tales which should have been part of his oeuvre, now will be.

What: Poe’d
Who: The Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT) and Invited Guests
When: Friday October 9th, 9pm
Where: BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington

Visit BATS for tickets and a bunch (a slew, a cascade a cornucopia) of other great NZ Improv Festival shows,  WIT’s Facebook for the latest details, team photos and gossip about this show.

“As a troupe, they boast an effective and playful onstage chemistry” ~ Theatreview

“This group’s bounding energy overtook the stage” ~ Nelson Mail




Drawing of a crow holding Poe's head

Poe’d – Fringe 2020


Also, Theatreview thought it was “MACABRE MADE MISCHIEVOUS”  
While Artmurmurs’ reviewer said “I had a lovely time

A Darkly Gothic Romp

Everyone knows Edgar Allen Poe died mysteriously in Baltimore in 1849. But recently a trunk of mysterious papers was discovered by the same researchers who previously discovered the Lovecrafted archive (revealed during the 2019 Fringe). Did the forty year old Poe fake his death, flee to a remote island nation and live out the rest of a long life writing epically gothically tragically romantic stories shaped by the myths and realities of life among the phlegmatic people of the farthest flung corner of the British Empire??

Find out as each night a different narrator channels the tortured author to bring original improvised tales to Te Auaha’s Tapere Iti stage.

“The show will be a romp through a gothic past” says Ali Little, the show’s creative director. She claims the tortured author, a man who spawned so many many tortured imitators, has communicated to her through ethereal means.  And he is “delighted, just delighted” that these tales which should have been part of his oeuvre, now will be.

What: Poe’d
Who: The Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT) and Invited Guests
When: Friday 28 and Saturday 29 February 8pm, Sunday 1 and Monday 2 March 7pm
Where: Te Auaha Tapere Iti, 65 Dixon St, Wellington

Visit the FRINGE for tickets and a bunch (a slew, a cascade a cornucopia) of other great shows,  WIT’s Facebook for the latest details, team photos and gossip about this show.

“As a troupe, they boast an effective and playful onstage chemistry” ~ Theatreview

“This group’s bounding energy overtook the stage” ~ Nelson Mail