Term 2 Classes Starting May 10th

Wiremu Tuhiwai will be leading the Joy of Improv (for any level of experence) and Ali Little Improv The Next Step (for people with a basic grounding in improv).  Both are running Thursday nights May 10th to June 28th from 7.30 to 9.30pm.  The Next Step group will also be putting on a graduation show on Thursday July 5th.

The classes are run in association with the Wellington Community Education Centre, which operates a delicious smorgasbord of Adult Education at various community venues, including many (like these) at the Wellington High School in Taranaki St, Mt Cook.

There are still a limited number of places left in both, so maybe it’s not too late to warm up the dark nights of winter with a whole bunch of laughter.

happy new improvisors