WIT is back with its beloved competitive comedy elimination show!
Micetro is a raucous evening of spontaneity that mixes beloved improv games, charismatic humility, and audience suggestions to create a unique night of entertainment that will never be seen again. Catch a mix of Wellington’s best loved improvisors plus WIT’s newest recruits as they face off in this gladiatorial contest!
“I laughed so hard I couldn’t see” – Salient
Venue: The Fringe Bar, Allen St, Wellington
Dates: Sun 4th, 11th, and 18th of May, 7pm
Tickets: Adults $18.00, Conc. $14.00, Groups 6+ $15.00 * service fees may apply
Bookings: 0800 TICKETEK (842 538)
NB: Doorsales only for the show on Sunday 18th.
Show Duration: 1 hour