Category Archives: news

row of people, with text of AGM, Annual General Meeting, July 19th 6pm Te Auaha

WIT – Draft Agenda for the 2022 AGM

Our AGM is scheduled to be held on the 19th of July. Anyone is welcome to attend, but only WIT members are eligible to vote or be elected to the committee. This year, after the change in our procedures voted on at last years AGM, active members not able to attend (if for example self isolating due to Covid) may be able to attend electronically, please email for details.


Draft Agenda

Date: 19 July 2022
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: Level 5 Studio 3/4, Te Auaha, 65 Dixon St, Wellington
Quorum: 15 members

Chair: Shaila Mehta-Wilson, Coordinator

Secretariat: Ali Little, Secretary

  1. Welcome and acknowledgements
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the previous AGM (held July 2021)
  4. Coordinator’s Report (Shaila Mehta-Wilson)
  5. Co-creative Director Report (Anrik Drenth, Hayley Cherryblossom)
  6. Annual Report – Treasurer (Aristarkh Tikhonov)
  7. Committee Elections
  8. General Business

It’s the WIT AGM Again, on June 29th 2021


WIT’s Annual Meeting is happening at the Whiskey Lounge at The Establishment, the Corner of Blair St and Courtenay Place, from 6pm on Tuesday June 29th.  It is going ahead even if Wellington remains at Covid-alert level 2 (but please follow all the venue requirements about scanning in, social distancing etc).

If Wellington shifts to Covid Alert level 3, the AGM will be rescheduled to later in July.

Key things to know:  People must be registered members of WIT and physically present to vote (a possible change to this rule suggested last year will be presented at the AGM).  A quorum of 15 people is needed.  Only those who consent will be elected to the new committee!

For your reading pleasure, here is the Agenda, and the Minutes from last years AGM.


WIT’s official rules, as downloaded from the Charities Website on 27 June 2021


WIT Rule change– a proposed rule change to allow possible remote attendance at future AGM’s, to be presented at the meeting


Library to close (darnit) so WIT will train elsewhere

WIT people at the Library on a Tuesday

WITsters at the Library on a Tuesday

WIT was sad to learn that the lovely Wellington Central Library is now closed, at least for a good long while, for building safety reasons.  This means that our regular Tuesday night training space, the oh so commodious mezzanine community meeting room is no longer available either.

For Tuesday 26th March 6-8pm we will be at 49 Courtenay Place, the Fringe home of the Scruffy Bunny.  After that, well, the committee is making some phone calls!   We’ll find another place to play, and let you know as soon as we can.

Congratulations to the new committee!

The WIT Committee is selected from and elected by members at an Annual General Meeting, with other members occasionally seconded as needed.  This year because WIT’s accounts were not yet available for review when the AGM was held on June 12th, an extra ‘Special General Meeting’ will held soon (before the end of July).   However the members present decided to work through all the other business on the agenda, so, serving WIT for 2017-2018 are


New place to play in Wellington!

Did you know Wellington now has it’s own actual Improv Theatre?!   Of course we still love BATS and The Fringe Bar and all the other great spaces about Welly where improv happens, but an actual improv theatre!!   WIT wishes Richard all the best as he gets The Scruffy Bunny Improv Theatre up and running (in the ground floor of the Reading Centre, 100 Courtney Place), and we look forward to WIT’s being among the brilliant and daring  bunch of shows that’ll be happening there.

Scruffy Bunny Improv Theatre

nzif 2015 WIT Cruise

2015 NZIF Royal Equinox Adventure Cruise!

A show born from a love of Wes Anderson films, set on a cruise like no other. Taking inspiration from familiar Anderson themes like difficult families, the loss of innocence, and unlikely friendships.  Symmetry, simplicity, and strangely sympathetic weirdos in WIT’s latest reimagining – the Royal Equinox Adventure Cruise.

A premiere to open the New Zealand Improv Festival from its founding company, The Royal Equinox Adventure was Annika Naschitzki’s directorial debut and stared Kate Wilson, Guanny Liu-Prosee, Mary Little,  Matt Powell, Lyndon Hood and Matt Hutton (aka the music man).

The Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT) is Wellington’s not-for-profit, community-based improvisational theatre group. WIT players share a love of storytelling and work together as a team to inspire the audience. WIT theatre is sometimes serious, often hilarious and always totally unpredictable.


This show happened already!

The Propeller Stage at BATS Theatre
1 Kent Terrace, Wellington, 6011