The second annual New Zealand Improv Festival ran 7-10 October at BATS Theatre and the Fringe Bar, and featured performers from Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Australia.
Producer: Merrilee McCoy
Artistic Director: Derek Flores
MEDIA RELEASE New Zealand Improv Festival 2009
Stumbling Towards Awesome!
Featuring: Wellington Improvisation Troupe (Wgtn), The Improvisors (Wgtn), The Court Jesters (Chch), The Con Artists (Akld) and Impro Melbourne (Aus)
The New Zealand Improv Festival is back – bigger, edgier, funnier, and ready to fall off the rails!
We bring you the best improv companies in NZ together for one awesome festival dedicated to making it up as we go along. What could possibly go wrong?
Groups from Auckland (ConArtists), Christchurch (Court Jesters), and Wellington (WIT & The Improvisors) are joined by Impro Melbourne in showcasing the best of improvisational theatre ready to change the way you see spontaneous.
Using nothing more than their wit and gumption these purveyors of on-the-spot creation will transfix you to the stage, all the while treading that highwire between genius and disaster. Even if it fails….it still succeeds!
07/10/2009 WellingSin City (Wellington Improv Troupe)
07/10/2009 Garry Trotter and the Philosopher’s Whateveryoulike (The Improvisors)
08/10/2009 Mr. Fish And His Spooky Library Of The Improv Macabre (Impro Melbourne)
08/10/2009 Bite Me: FangProv (Con Artists)
08/10/2009 Late Night Jam (NZIF Ensemble)
09/10/2009 Off The Map (Court Jesters)
09/10/2009 The Wishing Tree (Impro Melbourne)
09/10/2009 Late Night Jam (NZIF Ensemble)
10/10/2009 All Star Micetro Improv (NZIF Ensemble)