Category Archives: training news

Latest posts about WIT training courses

Micetro winner surrounded by admirers

Term ii face-to-face classes cancelled

WIT’s  Joy of Improvisation and Improv for the Stage classes at the Wellington High School Community Education Centre, due to start in May, have now been formally cancelled for Term 2.   Our Tuesday night drop in sessions will continue via zoom during April and May (at least), and a more structured online course is planned too.

Term iii (starting July 30th) and Term iv (from October 15th) classes at WHSCEC are still scheduled as normal.

Please check our website’s front page or on Facebook for the latest info.

Library to close (darnit) so WIT will train elsewhere

WIT people at the Library on a Tuesday

WITsters at the Library on a Tuesday

WIT was sad to learn that the lovely Wellington Central Library is now closed, at least for a good long while, for building safety reasons.  This means that our regular Tuesday night training space, the oh so commodious mezzanine community meeting room is no longer available either.

For Tuesday 26th March 6-8pm we will be at 49 Courtenay Place, the Fringe home of the Scruffy Bunny.  After that, well, the committee is making some phone calls!   We’ll find another place to play, and let you know as soon as we can.

happy new improvisors

Next Step and Joy of Improv from October 18th, enroll now!

Theses courses are often is fully booked, so enroll now to make sure you don’t miss out.

The Joy is WIT’s foundation class and suitable for any level of experience.  It has been run by WIT in association with the Wellington Community Education Centre (WCEC) for over 10 years now, and classes are always led by senior WIT trainers/performers.  This term Brenton Hodgson  will be leading the Joy of Improv.

WCEC operate a pleasing smorgasbord of Adult Education classes at various community venues, including many (like WIT’s) at the Wellington High School in Taranaki St, Mt Cook.

Warm up the dark nights of winter and those chill evenings of spring with a whole bunch of laughter and revel in being spontaneous and playful.

happy new improvisors

The Next Step is for peeps who’ve completed The Joy, or who already have some improv experience with another troupe.  The focus is on becoming super stage ready, supporting your fellow players, and generally having an excellently fun time.  This is usually run after every-other Joy of Improv, so there won’t be another course until term ii in 2019.

Both classes will come together to create a fabulous end-of-year graduation show for friends and family, at The Scruffy Bunny Improv Theatre, on Sunday December 9th.

In Term 4 this will be led by Ali Little (a Co-Creative Director of WIT, also convener of the Wellington Improv Meetup, Wimprov), with some guest leaders teaching special skills on a couple of nights.

happy new improvisors

Next Joy of Improv starts on August 2nd, enroll now!

Wiremu Tuhiwai will be leading the Joy of Improv in Term 3.   The course is often is fully booked, so enroll now to make sure you don’t miss out.

The Joy is WIT’s foundation class and suitable for any level of experience.  It has been run by WIT in association with the Wellington Community Education Centre (WCEC) for over 10 years now, and classes are always led by senior WIT trainers/performers.

WCEC operate a pleasing smorgasbord of Adult Education classes at various community venues, including many (like WIT’s) at the Wellington High School in Taranaki St, Mt Cook.

Warm up the dark nights of winter and those chill evenings of spring with a whole bunch of laughter and revel in being spontaneous and playful.

happy new improvisors


Term 2 Classes Starting May 10th

Wiremu Tuhiwai will be leading the Joy of Improv (for any level of experence) and Ali Little Improv The Next Step (for people with a basic grounding in improv).  Both are running Thursday nights May 10th to June 28th from 7.30 to 9.30pm.  The Next Step group will also be putting on a graduation show on Thursday July 5th.

The classes are run in association with the Wellington Community Education Centre, which operates a delicious smorgasbord of Adult Education at various community venues, including many (like these) at the Wellington High School in Taranaki St, Mt Cook.

There are still a limited number of places left in both, so maybe it’s not too late to warm up the dark nights of winter with a whole bunch of laughter.

happy new improvisors


Tuesday Workouts in June 2018

The Tuesday Workout is WIT’s regular training session if you’ve graduated from a WIT introductory course or have equivalent training and improv experience with another troupe.   In 2018 these are generally being run as koha – pay what you can, but don’t fret if you can’t.

We are usually in the Library Mezzanine Meeting Room, but sometimes in other spaces, if the Council need the space for one of their meetings.

June 5th Wellington Central Library, Mezzanine Room 6pm  Wiremu
June 12th Wellington Central Library, Mezzanine Room 6pm no training, it’s our AGM!
June 19th Wellington Central Library, Mezzanine Room 6pm  Ali
June 26th Wellington Central Library, Mezzanine Room 6pm  

If you’d like to keep up with WIT’s training plans sign up to our Newsletter and you’ll know all the things!   If you have a quick question, a message to our Facebook page is often the quickest way to get in touch, or contact us through this handy form.

Read more about our training.

Note: If you are new to improv, Level 1 The Joy of Improvisation, runs through the Wellington Community Education Centre 4 times a year.



Vinny Francois, StoryCrafting 18th and 19th of March


Vinny Francois, StoryCrafting, 18th and 19th of March 2017

Vinny has over 20 years of experience as a professional improviser. A founding director of the Montreal Improv Theatre, he has performed in more shows and venues across Canada than he cares to count. Read his complete bio or watch Vinny in action.

The workshop:
Both days will be on storycrafting and yes you can sign up for just one day. The times will be between 10am to 5pm with an hour for lunch.

Storycrafting (narrative improv) (Intermediate/Advanced)
How do stories work? Learn how to weave a tale out of thin air whether it’s two minutes long or a whole hour. Start strong scenes, build the tension as the story evolves and finish it up on a high. Audiences LOVE being taken on a journey. This workshop teaches the structures, ideas and basics of narrative improv as it applies to individual scenes or improvised plays.

Purchasing tickets:
– go to
– Click on the button “SELECT A DATE” and choose “Sat, 18th Mar (10:00am)”.
– Once the date is selected click on the button “TICKETS”.
– You will now have the option to select one or both days.

If you have any questions please email

Tuesday Workout in October/November/December 2016!

The Tuesday Workout is WIT’s standard session for members and usually means you’ve graduated from at least a level two class or have equivalent improv experience. There is a season pass for all 8 sessions (which is cheaper) or drop-in with cash ($15) on the nights you can make it.

Next block of sessions is Tuesdays from 18 October to 6 December (with a break on November 1st), BATS Studio (1 Kent Terrace, Wellington), 7pm – 9pm.   

Read more about our training, or please contact us if you have any questions.

Note: If you are new to improv, Level 1 The Joy of Improvisation, runs through the Wellington Community Education Centre 4 times a year.