Two improvisors in a bowl of jam, with the text "Improv Jam"

Jam with WIT – Sunday 28 MARCH 2021


Our end-of-February Jam night is postponed to March 28th!!  It’ll be even Jamyier for having to wait.

Expect an exciting mix of directed games and open scenes, all drawing on audience suggestions.

If you’d like to play you’re in! If you feel a bit shy, you’re the audience!!  Doors open at 6.30pm for a group warm up, sitting down for the full jaminess from 7pm. It’s simple and fun, with plenty of friendly people to support you if you haven’t done improv in a while, or even much ever at all.

This show is at The Pow Wow room, and although a lovely venue is at the top of a flight of stairs with no lift. If you have mobility issues and there’s any way we can help (eg, a phalanx of volunteers to carry you aloft like Cleopatra on a golden litter) contact us in advance.
Also, this is a licensed venue, so if you’re under 18 bring a parent or guardian, and if you look under 25, bring your id.

What: An Improv Jam
Who: The Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT)
Cost:  Koha appreciated, but it’s you we want
When: Sunday 28th February, at 7pm
Where: The Pow Wow Room, Level 1, 74 Courtenay Place, Te Aro, Wellington (up the stairs to the left of The Dakota Bar)

“As a troupe, they boast an effective and playful onstage chemistry” ~ Theatreview

“This group’s bounding energy overtook the stage” ~ Nelson Mail


improvisors training in front of a window