Kate joined WIT in the mid 2000s. Since then she has performed in and produced shows, been a DIVA, a Gorilla, travelled on a Ferris Wheel and been part of The Committee.
Why does she enjoy improv? “Improv allows you to be the person you are not allowed to be in real life, you can say things that are possibly not particularly PC, really, you can say things without fear of arrest.” Kate has a fairly dark side that tends to manifest itself on stage, this used to worry her but now just realises that this is just what she does. “ If life is taken too seriously, death will come at a young age, it is so important to realise that nothing should be sacred. I never want to offend but I feel that things should always be looked at from many angles, this includes poking fun sometimes.”
Kate was elected Co-Ordinator of WIT for 2016-2017, and herded all the improv cats with humour and efficiency.